Costa Rica’s Greenwashing: The Fight for Authentic Environmentalism

In a world increasingly driven by environmental consciousness, few things offer a greater sense of satisfaction than making a purchase that promises to benefit the planet. Whether it’s a product labeled “organic,” “eco-friendly,” or a vacation stay in an “ecotourism” lodge, these choices are marketed as contributions to a healthier Earth. Yet, the allure of […]

Discovery and Conservation of the Tlalocohyla Celeste: A New Leap in Costa Rican Biodiversity

The journey to the discovery of Tlalocohyla celeste within the lush confines of Costa Rica’s Tapir Valley Nature Reserve is a tale of curiosity, perseverance, and scientific inquiry. Spearheaded by Donald Varela Soto, a local naturalist, and supported by biologist Valeria Aspinall, this endeavor highlights the critical role of local expertise and scientific collaboration in […]

Costa Rica’s African Palm Oil Dilemma: Unraveling the Ecological Catastrophe

The introduction of African palm (Elaeis guineensis) to Costa Rica can be attributed to several actors and factors. The first to arrive in the region was The United Fruit Company, which introduced the crop in response to the Panama banana plight of the 1940s. Another key driver behind the introduction of African palm was the […]

In the Footsteps of the Jaguar: A Journey into the Heart of Jaguar Territory

In the year 2014, amidst the bustling city life of Paris, a new journey was unfolding. Artist Tico Haroutiounian found himself captivated by a vision of mystical allure. Locked behind the bars of a Parisian zoo, was a  Melanic jaguar (Panthera onca), exuding a captivating beauty and aura that held Tico spellbound. His attraction was […]

Successful Reforestation Project in Osa Peninsula

Reforestation is a crucial and necessary step to prevent biodiversity loss. The Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica is one of the world’s most biodiverse regions, with over 2.5% of the world’s species. Unfortunately, the rainforest in the region has been under threat for years due to development. Grow Jungles, dedicated to reforestation and many other […]

Life in Costa Rica Before Spanish Conquest

Before the arrival of the Spanish at the beginning of the 16th century, indigenous populations lived in the region for at least 10,000 years. Historians reference four main indigenous tribes residing in autonomous tribes, each having their own distinct culture and customs – Caribs, Borucus, Chibchas, and Diquis. Before the conquest, you would have seen […]

Talamanca: Conservations Next Frontier

Waterfall Ayil

The Cordillera de Talamanca stretch from the Southeast half of Costa Rica to just inside the far western border of Panama. It rises from the Caribbean up to over 12,000 ft and drops down on the other side to the Pacific Ocean. The mountain range is home to two of the largest peaks in two […]

Costa Rica’s Legendary Environmentalist: Alcides Parajeles

Called the “peasant environmentalist,” Alcides Parajeles has endured threats, harassment, and in some cases, violence as he voices his concerns of destruction to the natural environment around him. The story reads like an unbelievable soap opera involving organizations meant to help but somehow are ineffective in protecting environmentalists like Parajeles. Parajeles has dedicated his life […]

The History and Impact of the United Fruit Company in Costa Rica

Everything we see on the grocery shelf has a story. Some of those stories are more dramatic than others.  Bananas are one of those fruits that most of us have bought by the bunch since childhood, but the history of this tropical fruit may give you a reason to pause before you purchase the next […]

Environmental Impacts of Pineapple Plantations in Costa Rica

The high demand for fresh pineapple in North America and the UK proves detrimental to people living and working in the Global South. It has created a system where companies and consumers of the north benefit from high profits. At the same time, those in the growing regions of the south suffer from life-threatening environmental […]