El lavado verde de Costa Rica: la lucha por un ambientalismo auténtico
En un mundo cada vez más impulsado por la conciencia ambiental, pocas cosas
Nuestros informes de campo están destinados a incluir artículos escritos sobre conservación y naturaleza.
Además, para proporcionar actualizaciones sobre nuestro trabajo actual. Damos la bienvenida a los voluntarios para que se unan y aparezcan como autores invitados.
En un mundo cada vez más impulsado por la conciencia ambiental, pocas cosas
https://youtu.be/GjQ0pc5C5To?si=0fOw9htuS4Ay05Qm El viaje al descubrimiento de Tlalocohyla celeste en su interior
La introducción de la palma africana (Elaeis guineensis) a Costa Rica
En el año 2014, en medio de la bulliciosa vida urbana de
https://youtu.be/ipd9mrAXG8w Reforestation is a crucial and necessary step to prevent
Before the arrival of the Spanish at the beginning of
The Cordillera de Talamanca stretch from the Southeast half of
Called the “peasant environmentalist,” Alcides Parajeles has endured threats, harassment,
Everything we see on the grocery shelf has a story.
The high demand for fresh pineapple in North America and
Nestled between the Talamanca Mountain Range and the Caribbean Sea
The Osa Peninsula sits on the southern Pacific Coast of
Anyone who has spent time deep in the rainforest knows
[February 2, 1951 – November 19, 2017] Amos Bien may
As one of the first ecolodges to have been created
As stated in early Greek mythology, the conquistadors settlers saw the
Distribution: The global distribution of the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
An introduction to the ecological hierarchy Populations Communities Ecosystem Biome
Rainforests are found on every continent except Antarctica. The four
As the developing world intends to indefinitely increase, we are
Near the middle of the last century, Costa Rica faced